To minimize the spread of COVID-19 to crew and customers, KKMI is adopting the following protocols and procedures. Please follow these guidelines to the best of your ability and be patient with us as we do our best to continue to provide essential services to our customers while striving to keep our crew and customers safe.
- Crew and customers must use hand sanitizer upon entering the office or store.
- Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds). Crew is advised to wash their hands upon arriving at work, prior to eating during breaks, after using the bathroom, and before leaving work.
- Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Stay home when you are not feeling well or are sick.
- Cough into the crook of your arm or into a tissue (not into your hand).
- Use a barrier, such as a paper towel or tissue, to touch commonly touched surfaces such as door handles and faucets.
- Do not share phones, tools, or other equipment with others (unless sanitized).
- Conduct communication via telephone, text and email when possible. Avoid in-person communication.
- Maintain a 6-foot to 10-foot distance from others.
- Vulnerable populations are encouraged to stay home.
- KKMI will provide disinfectant spray at high traffic areas and regularly clean frequently touched surfaces.
Para minimizar la propagación de COVID-19 a la tripulación y los clientes, KKMI está adoptando los siguientes protocolos y procedimientos. Siga estas pautas lo mejor que pueda y sea paciente con nosotros mientras hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para continuar brindando servicios esenciales a nuestros clientes mientras nos esforzamos por mantener a nuestro equipo y clientes seguros.
- El equipo y los clientes deben usar desinfectante para manos al ingresar a la oficina o tienda.
- Lávese las manos con agua y jabón con frecuencia y por completo (durante al menos 20 segundos). Se recomienda a la tripulación que se lave las manos al llegar al trabajo, antes de comer durante los descansos, después de usar el baño y antes de salir del trabajo.
- No toque su cara, ojos, nariz o boca con las manos sin lavar.
- Quédese en casa cuando no se sienta bien o esté enferma.
- Tosa en la curva de su brazo o en un pañuelo (no en su mano).
- Use una barrera, como una toalla de papel o un pañuelo de papel, para tocar superficies que se tocan con frecuencia, como manijas y grifos de puertas.
- No comparta teléfonos, herramientas u otros equipos con otras personas (a menos que estén desinfectadas).
- Realizar comunicación por teléfono, mensaje de texto y correo electrónico cuando sea posible. Evitar la comunicación en persona.
- Mantenga una distancia de 6 a 10 pies de las demás.
- Se alienta a las poblaciones vulnerables a quedarse en casa.
- KKMI proporcionará spray desinfectante en áreas de alto tráfico y limpiará regularmente las superficies que se tocan con frecuencia.
**************************** IMPORTANT *********************************
You may not enter our facilities if you have a cough or fever.
Mask must be worn while on premises.
Maintain a 6 foot distance from all others.
The Sausalito Marine Supply Store is CLOSED to the public. Please call to order products.
- Sausalito Store 415-332-2121
Entry to Sausalito facility is by appointment ONLY. Please call to set up an appointment.
- Sausalito 415-332-5564
We ask that you keep communications electronic and over the phone whenever possible. For those customers that will need to visit KKMI, we ask that you please click here to review our updated safety protocols which we will require everyone to adhere to. Vendors and contractors may visit on an “invitation-only basis” secured in advance.
We are working to keep everyone as safe as possible while providing you with the best possible service. Please feel free to call the office during regular business hours (7:30 am – 5:00 pm, M-F) with any further questions. As things change, we will update our website at
Thank you for your continued loyalty and support for our employees. Please accept our sympathies for anyone you know who may have directly, and indirectly, been affected by this serious situation.
Stay safe!
The KKMI Family
Point Richmond: 510-235-5564
Sausalito: 415-332-5564