Most Abel Painter in Town

Most Abel Painter in Town

Abel has been working for KKMI in our Sausalito location for about five years. He fills lots of roles at the boatyard. He operates the travelift, does fiberglass repair, he works with epoxy and gelcoat repair. He is an awlgrip painter so you can update your topsides....
AkzoNoble-International Paint Job

AkzoNoble-International Paint Job

When the high speed ferry company Prop wanted to look into a more eco friendly, better cost saving solutions for bottom paint, they turned to KKMI and AkzoNobel. They decided on applying the International Paint Marine coating – Intersleek. The paint is designed...

From the Bilge -Boatyard Madness

What’s it like to own and operate a boatyard? From time to time I’m asked this question, which can be answered in two ways: as a sound bite like, “A giggle a minute,” or as a lengthy reply that sounds more like a dissertation than an actual answer. In Jim Lynch’s...