The other day I heard a client who’s been coming to KKMI for over 20 years say that one of the benefits of owning a boat is that it’s like having a “vacation on demand.” While I’ve never said those exact words, I know our family feels the same way. From the moment we step aboard there’s an immediate sense of relaxation and peace. It’s like insta-vacation mode.. It doesn’t matter what boat we’re aboard or where it’s berthed. We feel a unique sense of calm but also a bit of excitement …all at the same time. Go figure!?
The ability to instantly free your mind from the issues of your day and to be “on vacation” just by stepping on a boat is priceless… that is, until something goes wrong (it is a boat, after all). Some are matters that you can take care of yourself and others are problems that you can live with….but some are things that require professional assistance from a full service boatyard, as they can sink your vacation, figuratively and quite literally.
Knowing that a “vacation on demand” can take on water under such circumstances, I asked this longstanding client how he keeps his “vacation” afloat when things go wrong and need attention. He replied, “There’s a direct correlation between all successful vacations, whether they are on your boat or elsewhere, and it boils down to planning. We all know that showing up at the airport minutes before your flight departs is a formula for disaster. Similar results are likely to be had if you arrive at your boat minutes before you plan on leaving the dock and expect everything to be perfect. In short, the amount of planning you do has a direct impact on your ’vacation on demand‘.”
At KKMI’s San Francisco Bay Area boatyards, our goal is to make sure that your vacation is never scuttled, whether it’s the “on demand” variety or the adventure you’ve been planning for years.
Here are a few things that our client suggested that have worked for him…
- Keep a running list of what needs attention. The list should be organized by areas of the boat such as exterior, interior, mechanical, rigging etc. Note who is best suited to address the issue and prioritize the projects. Be sure to highlight critical maintenance issues.
- Set aside time for maintenance. As simple as it sounds, finding the time to tackle boat projects is often the biggest hurdle for most of us. This client sees this time as part of his “vacation on demand” and he considers this work to be part of the fun.
Perhaps this is best explained by the quote from Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame – “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
- Call in the professionals. This is where KKMI’s San Francisco Bay Area boatyards come in. This client gives us his TO DO list well before the boat arrives at the boatyard. This gives us time to order materials that may be needed as well as forecast costs and schedule our crew.
If you have completed steps 1 and 2 and are ready for step 3, your project manager will be happy to help you organize your visit so you get the most out of your trip to the boatyard. He will also be happy to help you develop maintenance schedules so you can plan how to best care for your boat.
KKMI is your one stop full service Northern California and San Francisco Bay Area boatyard providing unbeatable service, competitive prices, and outstanding workmanship. Specializing in boat bottom paint, boat hauling and storage, boat carpentry, fiberglass gelcoat and repair, rigging and much more, KKMI’s North Bay Boatyard location in Sausalito and East Bay location in Point Richmond are here to serve all of your Bay Area boating needs. For great prices and service you can trust, make KKMI your SF Bay Area and Northern California boatyard specialist and give us a call today.