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KKMI Knewsletters
From the Bilge – In the swim of things
In the swim of things… Hard to believe that so many months have passed since my last “bilgy” installment. While I have not been in the bilge this whole time, for sure it feels like I have been in the trenches…if there is such a thing on a boat. Although life for all...
Favorite Boating Movie
Boating during the time of Covid seems to have been relegated to watching it from your couch. Choose between the five movies nominated by our staff, and let us know what your favorite boating movie is so we can share it with other's who may be looking for a fix! Take...
This is personal
How can this NOT be personal? For me, one of the joys of being in the marine industry is the ability to do something that I truly love. My work is more than my profession, it’s what I love to do. I’m on the water to work and to play. It truly is my passion. I guess I...
Spring 2020
With Spring on the horizon, I thought I’d share with you what I see ahead in the coming boating year. With an improved economy and the ability to get on the water and enjoy the Bay, in many ways, recreational boating has never been so accessible. Yes, berthing on the...
Annual Boatyard Report
“Houston, we have a problem”… This phrase has become a way to communicate, in an understated way, the significance of a major problem at hand. And so, it is with this somewhat ominous introduction that I provide you with a summary of the boat repair and service...
Walked in your shoes
You know the old saying – “The two happiest days in a boater’s life are the day you buy the boat and the day you sell it”? While there is great truth in this statement, it’s often said in a sarcastic way, which to me completely misses the point. Certainly, the day you...
Hero to Zero
In completing his Figure Eight Voyage, I suspect Randall Reeves does not consider himself a hero, but in my book he is. Clearly, lots of heroes exist in the world and just as many definitions of what a hero is. To me, a hero is someone that sets an ambitious and...
Sinking Feeling
That sinking feeling….or worse yet: when it’s more than just a feeling…and it happened. YUCK, what a nightmare! Over the years we’ve seen our share of what happens to a boat when it’s sunk. It’s not pretty. The good news is, as with most things, such calamities are...
Electric Yacht
KKMI is proud to announce our partnership with Electric Yacht, the provider of QuietTorque Electric propulsion systems. View the brochure here.
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