AkzoNoble-International Paint Job

AkzoNoble-International Paint Job

When the high speed ferry company Prop wanted to look into a more eco friendly, better cost saving solutions for bottom paint, they turned to KKMI and AkzoNobel. They decided on applying the International Paint Marine coating – Intersleek. The paint is designed...

From the Bilge -Boatyard Madness

What’s it like to own and operate a boatyard? From time to time I’m asked this question, which can be answered in two ways: as a sound bite like, “A giggle a minute,” or as a lengthy reply that sounds more like a dissertation than an actual answer. In Jim Lynch’s...
July 4th BANG

July 4th BANG

I’m likely to regret saying this but….in all my years of sailing I’ve never been on a boat that lost its mast. No doubt there  were plenty of occasions when I thought for sure the rig was about to come down, but  usually this was due to human error and pushing  the...